Sunday, April 24, 2005

FlexWiki - Make double click editing a user setting

The first time I encountered a WikiWiki site, I immediately mailed the webmaster that there was something seriously wrong with their security. Yes, my only excuse is not reading TFM, and that it's a while ago.

FlexWiki is a .NET variant to Wiki, and I've been really annoyed with the fact that if you double click on a page, it starts editing.

Like a proper contributor of Open Source projects, I contributed the code that allows a user to save his preferences to a cookie, and disables the double click functionality, also because mr. Candera encouraged me to code it myself: Modify: 1186821 - Make double click editing a user setting, so I did!

Open source the microsoft way

They couldn't accept my contribution because I don't work at Microsoft, and I have to sign an Assignment Agreement before I can contribute anything. You've got to be kidding me. What's the point of creating an open source product in the first place, if only one company is allowed to work on it?

I've left this comment (before they're childish enough to remove it);-)

How can you build an open source community like that?

Do microsoft guys have to take the fun out of everything?

Can't it just be some kind of checkbox?

I've requested the assignment agreement, how long is that
going to take?

Appearently, this is allowed by the license (CPL, or Common Public License) they're using.

Also, I was suprised to see that there are actual Developer Guidelines, as the source code doesn't comply at all, it contains so many unused code blocks and procedures, that I couldn't even find where to add a link in the menu on the left.

Update May 8: I've received, signed and sent the assignment agreement back to MS.
Even if it's just for the fun of sending something to

One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052


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