ReSharper 4.5 Beta
Resharper 4.5 Beta has just been released!
My favorite new feature is the new Solution wide analysis of unused code, this allows you to assume the code you are writing is NOT for a shared library, and thus can be marked as unused if it's never used within the current solution.
- Unused non-private declarations
- Unused return values of non-private methods
- Unaccessed non-private fields
- Unused parameters in non-private members
- Abstract or virtual events that are never invoked
- Unassigned fields
- Members and types that can be made internal instead of public
My second favorite new feature is definitely the MSTest project support, like they supported NUnit and other test frameworks before.
ReSharper:: The Most Intelligent Add-In To Visual Studio 2008 - C# 3.0, LINQ, VB.NET, ASP.NET, XML, XAML, build scripts. Best-of-breed tools for code analysis, code cleanup, code generation, and unit testing, plus multiple refactorings and code templates.